Stacey Abrams Admits to Being Pro-life until She Went to College

by Alexa Schwerha


Former Georgia House representative and gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams admitted during an recent interview with CNN’s Dana Bash that she was pro-life until she went to college.

Abrams credited her college experience with flipping her stance on abortion. According to the gubernatorial candidate, she began to reposition her beliefs after having conversations with a “friend” who used faith to ground her pro-abortion argument.

“I’ve thought about my faith a great deal. In fact, I was anti-abortion until I went to college. And there I met a friend who has my shared faith values, but we started having conversations about what reproductive care and abortion care really is,” Abrams said on State of the Union. “And when I talk about that, it was an experience that I had because she was able to give me a different perspective.”

These discussions prompted her to consider the role government plays in regulating abortion, which is now an adamant policy feature of her political campaigns, including her first race for governor of Georgia

Now in her second run for governor of the Peach State, she has vowed to push numerous pro-abortion policies, including defunding crisis pregnancy centers and repealing the state’s recently adopted 6-week abortion ban.

“This is health care. This is about a woman’s right to control her body…And that, for me, as a matter of faith, means that I don’t impose those values systems on others,” Abrams stated.

Abrams attended Spelman College in Atlanta for her undergraduate degree. She then went on to complete her Master’s degree at the University of Texas at Austin and earned her J.D. from Yale Law School.

Campus Reform has reported on the overt pro-abortion sentiment pushed on college campuses. In the days following the overturn of Roe v. Wade earlier this year, for example, Campus Reform found that 62% of university statements condemned the Court’s ruling.

Likewise, Campus Reform reported on a slew of reactions from university professors that alleged women would die because of the decision, labeled abortion bans “racist,” and condemned Supreme Court justices.

Additionally, pro-life students are often subjected to harassmentcensorship, and vandalism attacks.

Recent surveys have found a correlation between higher education and students supporting liberal politics.

A YouGov America poll, for example, found that 47% of Americans believe college contributes to making students more liberal.

This reflects a Harvard poll of the class of 2022 that found the number of students who identified as conservative decreased by 33% over four years. The number of students who identified as liberal, however, rose by the same percentage.

Campus Reform has also conducted independent research detailing the fact that university employees donate to Democratic political candidates at a much higher rate than they do to Republican candidates.

Of all funds donated to federal candidates n by employees at Abrams’ alma mater Spelman College, 100% funded Democratic candidates, according to OpenSecrets. No employee at the college gave to a conservative cause.

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Alexa Schwerha is a reporter for Campus Reform. She was the Regional Field Coordinator at Leadership Institute for Texas and New Mexico. She graduated Kent State University with a degree in Communication Studies and Political Science. Prior to her work at the Leadership Institute, she worked for the Ohio Republican Party to help elect Republicans across the state during the 2020 election cycle.
Photo “Stacey Abrams” by Stacey Abrams. Photo “Pregnant Woman” by Jonathan Borba.




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